Congestion control is a fundamental corner stone of networks and is still actively researched. To evaluate and test new or established congestion control algorithms, researches usually resort to simulations. However, while popular network simulators like ns-3 are good at simulating the network itself, they lack a detailed simulation of the (end-)hosts. Hosts are typically simulated only in a high-level behavioral manner, which can neglect important behaviors, e.g. latency introduced by the operations of the Linux networking stack and caching effects. In this sense, network simulators do not provide detailed end-to-end simulations.

Using SimBricks, we can overcome these limitations by combining multiple simulators into a detailed end-to-end virtual testbed (e.g. simulating the network with ns-3 and the hosts with gem5). This project aims to build a framework that makes it easy to build, configure and run congestion control experiments in SimBricks. Furthermore, we want to investigate whether (and in which cases) detailed end-to-end simulations in SimBricks achieve better/more realistic results than pure ns-3 simulations.