SimBricks assembles full-system simulation from multiple simulators running as separate, loosely coupled processes. We connect individual simulators by introducing adapters, which take simulators’ internal APIs and translate them to SimBricks boundary protocols. These are based on real system component boundaries, such as PCIe and Ethernet. Simulator internals remain untouched by running each simulator as a separate process. By just adding an adapter, we can easily integrate additional simulators and connect them to already integrated simulators. Adapters connect simulators pairwise and communicate through message passing. We also implement simulator clock synchronization as part of the adaptors and on top of message passing (more on that in a future post).

Figure with three component simulators a in separate labeled as processes.
Each simulator has one or multiple adapters connecting it to other simulator

Connecting Simulators through Adapters

SimBricks connects simulators for a wide range of individual components written in different programming languages, which possibly also operate incompatible simulation modes like discrete event simulations, cycle-by-cycle circuit simulations, and simulations using mathematical models. For easy integration, we do not modify the simulator’s internal structures and run them in separate processes while establishing communication through shared-memory message passing.

We build on the simulators’ existing simulator-specific APIs for extensions and adapt them to our common SimBricks interface to enable modular composition. This enables users to easily swap out the simulator on the other side of a connection. We also avoid simulators having to be aware of any implementation details or simulator-specific APIs of their connected peer simulators. We compose simulators at natural boundaries reflecting those in real systems, e.g. PCIe or Ethernet. These typically also align with the division of responsibilities between existing component simulators. We add adapter components as extensions to component simulators for each applicable boundary protocol.

Simulator-Native Adapters Enable Easy Integration

A SimBricks adapter is a native part of its respective simulator and executes in the same process. It is typically written in the same programming language and uses the simulator’s internal APIs and configuration mechanisms. For communication with peer simulators, the adapter builds on our core SimBricks library implementing our communication primitives. Adapters are lightweight extensions and do not require deeper modifications to component simulators. Integrating additional simulators is therefore straightforward and mostly revolves around connecting the pieces.

An adapter receives boundary-specific messages from peer simulators and reacts by invoking simulator-internal functions and sending response messages back. On the inside, the adapter reacts to simulator-internal events and sends out messages for things the peer has to handle.

Let’s make this more concrete by looking at how we implemented a PCIe adapter for the gem5 host simulator, which allows us to connect PCIe devices simulated by other simulators to a complete machine capable of booting Linux. Our SimBricks adapter inherits from gem5’s C++ base class for PCIe devices. As part of this, it has to implement certain callback functions, e.g. to handle read requests the CPU sends to the device. Instead of responding directly, the adapter forwards the request as a SimBricks message to the device simulator. In turn, the adapter receives messages from the device like a DMA (direct memory access) request. The adapter handles these by invoking the respective gem5-internal functions and responding with another message if necessary.

Parallelizing Simulator Processes for Scalable Simulations

A simulator can have many adapters, however, an instance of an adapter is always connected to exactly one other peer adapter instance. This allows users to assemble arbitrary configurations instantiating the same simulator as separate processes as the structure of the simulated system dictates.

Not modifying simulator internals also implies that each simulator still runs its own internal clock. However, meaningful performance results do require exact timing across components. To this end, our synchronization protocol works along the adapter-to-adapter connections and tags messages with precise arrival times for clock synchronization. Component instances are thus loosely coupled and can be simulated in parallel. Increasing the size of the simulated system by including more components requires additional computational resources for the additional processes, but overall simulation time will remain the same or only increase minimally.

Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts that shed more light on the message-passing communication between adapters and our efficient and accurate synchronization technique. Until then: